THE LOWER ZAMBEZI NATIONAL PARK Writer: Grant Cumings | Photography: Chiawa Camp and Old Mondoro On the banks of the Zambezi River in the south-eastern part of Zambia, opposite Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools National Park (a...

On the banks of the Zambezi River in the south-eastern part of Zambia, opposite Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the spectacular Lower Zambezi National Park occupies 4,092 square kilometres, with 120 kilometres of river frontage.

Its distinguishing features are the rugged escarpment to the north, the river itself, and its numerous islands, lagoons and flood plains. Together, these create one of the most interesting ecosystems on the planet—a home and feeding ground for an incredible amount of Zambian wildlife in one of Africa’s most diverse and scenic national parks.

The rich and diverse habitat of the lower Zambezi is home to an impressive array of wildlife. Abundant water, food and shelter give rise to one of Africa’s healthiest elephant populations, vast herds of buffalo, prides of lion, leopards, hyenas, jackals, hippos, crocodiles, zebra, various small carnivores and omnivores, antelope, and over 400 species of birds. One of the trademarks of the lower Zambezi is the visitation of massive elephant bulls that feed nonchalantly throughout the safari camps and lodges.

What makes wildlife viewing extra special in the lower Zambezi is the opportunity to watch many of these creatures often at close quarters from, in and around the river. As a consequence, the lower Zambezi will nearly always produce a first-rate game viewing and birding experience, most especially when measured in the context of the scenery, habitat and variety of safari activities available.

Absent from the lower Zambezi are giraffe and wildebeest which are not native to the area. Occasional wild dog sightings are experienced, particularly in April/May and September/October. Unfortunately, no rhinos can be seen, as they were poached out of existence in the 1970’s. Conservation Lower Zambezi’s ultimate conservation goal is to reintroduce a viable rhino breeding population so watch this space!

Only licensed operators may conduct safaris in the area, and visitors to the park typically see very little other human activity. This has led to the Lower Zambezi National Park becoming one of Africa’s finest wilderness experiences for tourists on all budgets, domestic and international. Even the most expensive lodges in the LZNP offer Zambians subsidised rates (terms and conditions apply) in an effort to increase domestic tourism.

To top things off, this area is still unspoilt as it is relatively new to tourism and is afforded a high level of protection from the Zambian government and local tour operators. It was declared a national park in 1983, and the Cumings Family, who own and operate Chiawa Camp and Old Mondoro, facilitated and participated in the park’s first conservation activities. They brought the first tourists to the park in 1990, and have created an exceptional African safari experience by opening access and establishing all the game viewing loops enjoyed within the park today.

Although Africa is no stranger to conservation challenges such as encroachment and poaching, the Lower Zambezi National Park is one of Africa’s best-protected sanctuaries thanks to cooperation between the safari operators and department of National parks and wildlife (DNPW) through the charity Conservation Lower Zambezi (of which Chiawa Camp and Old Mondoro are founding members and anchor donors). CLZ is now a role model that has been emulated with varying degrees of success in Africa, but nowhere else stands a facility with such support, providing such effective conservation activity. For instance, levels of poaching in the park have been significantly reduced, whereas elsewhere in Africa this scourge is on the rise.

Sadly, the flood-plain eco system is also one of Africa’s most fragile, so cautious management planning is required to prevent the resource and wilderness aesthetic from becoming compromised. Consequently, Chiawa Camp and Old Mondoro are lobbying with Zambian authorities to seek and obtain World Heritage status for the Lower Zambezi National Park from UNESCO.

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