WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A LION ATTACK BY: JOHN COPPINGER | PHOTO: EDWARD SELFEWHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A LION ATTACK Our guests are always surprised by the way lions react when approached on foot – their inclination to turn...

Our guests are always surprised by the way lions react when approached on foot – their inclination to turn and flee seems unfitting behaviour from the King of the Jungle. However, they have learnt over the aeons that humans are indeed a deadly adversary and one to be avoided. Walking safaris are a relatively new concept and lions still perceive humans on foot as a threat. Conversely, as the biggest tourist attraction in all African wildlife preserves, lions have become quite habituated to vehicles and can be approached to within a few feet. Indeed, they will often appear totally oblivious of any other presence in such circumstances, despite the excited chattering of the vehicle’s occupants and the clicking and whirring of their cameras. They have learnt through experience that the vehicles don’t harm them in any way.

As is the case with most animals, lion behaviour varies from region to region. When I first went to Zambia’s North Luangwa National Park, it was still virtually devoid of tourists or any other human activity. I was accustomed to relatively habituated lions and was astounded at the aggressive nature of these wilder animals. It was most disconcerting when building Mwaleshi Camp to have a lioness standing 50 metres away, growling threateningly at the intrusion for several hours in broad daylight! Many of our early encounters with lions there developed into mock charges.

Being charged by a lion when you are on foot is a most frightening experience. It is extremely difficult to refrain from bolting, which is likely to prompt an attacker to follow through. A charge is usually accompanied by a deep growling, rasping sound which reverberates through the core of one’s being. It is very important to stand one’s ground, perhaps retreating very slowly, but to continue facing the lion whilst clapping hands, shouting and waving one’s arms about to look bigger. Fortunately, most charges are mock attacks and if one adheres to these basic rules then it is unlikely that a charge will be followed through.

Different sets of circumstances also trigger different behavioural patterns. During courtship, male lions are often extremely aggressive and should not be closely approached, even in a vehicle. A lioness with cubs is naturally protective and should be given lots of space. Being predominantly nocturnal, lions lose their inherent fear of man at night and become much more dangerous and prone to attack.

Hot tips:

  1. Keep your distance. Do not approach too closely, especially in the case of mating lions or lionesses with cubs.
  2. Be more cautious at night. Avoid camping in areas of high lion density. If there is no option, then maintain a watch throughout the night.
  3. Make a noise and look bigger. In the event of a lion charge, clap your hands, shout, and flail your arms about to make yourself look bigger.
  4. Hold your ground. Never run or turn your back in the face of a lion attack.

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